English 4, Post 7, 'Changes to my study programme'


Hi! Welcome back to my blog.

Today I am going write about changes to my study program.

Offfffff! Currently I had 8 subjects: Linear algebra; computing; Statistics and data analysis; Physicochemical 1; English IV; Analytical chemistry 2, Accounting and Cost Management, Commercial Management; and Practice 1. If I could change my study program, I would like to remove Physicochemical 1, because I feel I don not doing my best on that signature, but I can’t do anything about it because the time to remove signatures end the last week. I think I just must change the way I study, maybe I would try some study methods to try to improve my academic performance and order my study and rest hours.

Currently I don’t use any study methods because I don’t know anyone but, I need to do something about it. I think my way to study it is basically trying to study hard on the night because I do a lot of things in my house ( because my mom it is not at home now and my dad and my brother don’t help me with the house) and on nights I think I could concentrate more.

When covid-19 doesn’t exist( very good times 😢) I used the university facilities to study and in that time, I didn’t have computer so I study in the faculty library and borrowed a tablet to do my work and presentations. Now I have the technology to study at home but I d I don't think my way of studying is better than when I was studying at university before covid-19.

Thanks for reading!

See you on next post.


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