English 4, Post 3, Why I choose my major'


Hi! Welcome back to my blog.

Today I am going write about my major and why I chose it.

First, I have to say I am studying food engineer. If someone ask me Why I choose my major, my answer will be “I just thought food engineering sound good” or “because when I was looking for information about this career I thought a food engineering was that professional who makes food for astronauts”, but the real answer is I don’t have idea why I believe study food engineering could be a good idea, but in this 3 years at university I could say I do not regret about my choice.

In this 3 years at university I learn a lot about studies of food properties, how much the food industry impacts the environment and how are so many millions of tons of food waste per year worldwide and in parallel there are so many millions of people who die from lack of food. Also my own interest on learning more about food engineering helps me to continue at university and do not give up.

I hope one day to be a successful professional who has the desire and experience to contribute to food science.

Thanks for reading!

See you on next post.


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