English 4, Post 1, 'A country you would like to visit'

Hi everybody!  it’s been a while since my last post, but I’m back!

Today  I will talk about which country I would like to travel. As many of you know I’m Chilean and I love my country and Latin-American too. One of my life goals it’s travel through all countries of America starting by Chile. Currently the country I would like to visit again is Peru. I went to Peru with my family in 8 or 10 times in the last 10 years.  I visit some cities like Tacna, Arequipa, Puno, Cusco, Ayacucho, Ica and Moquegua and I want to return as many the times as necessary to finally could say “ I know the entire Peru”.

A picture of my brother and I in Cusco on July 2015

I think I am in love with Peru because my mom’s family are from Arica, near to Peru, and I in my memories I remember my family and I spending all my holydays traveling to Tacna and eating delicious Peruvian food. Other thinks that makes me love Peru it’s the culture, and the Andina cosmovision.

Maybe I can’t travel to Peru in the next 4 years because I’m studding at university and I work on holidays, but when I finish I’m going to travel. If in a couple of years I could find work in Peru maybe I would go to live and work there, but now I just want to finish the university.

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Peru is a beautiful and very interesting country, also very close to us, I love its gastronomy, I would love to visit it.


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