English 4, Post 6, 'Time Travel to the future'

Hi! Welcome back to my blog.

Today I am going write about the future. 

If i could travel to the future I would like to go first to march of this year, so I can see if I’m closing my semester in a good way, that’s something that I think we all want to know everytime. 

But if I had to think about something more meaningful, I would like to go 10 years in the future and see how am I, how is my family and my friends (that makes a little difficult to say where I would like to go, since we all could be in different places at that time).  I hope we all still together and keep the love we have to each other.

I also want to know if we, as humanity, managed to deal with the serious problems we have today, as global warming, the people that have no access to food or water, the war in some parts of the world, an many others. I have the impression right know that our generation is going to make a change. 

It is hard to decide if I would like to stay in the future ,but I think I would say no, because i want to stay at my time and live it as it is, with the good and bad stuff, seeing the ones I love growth next to me, maybe the idea of the future is exciting, but theres nothing as living your life, I don’t want to jump phases of it.

Thanks for reading!

See you on next post.


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