English 4, Post 2: The best holidays

Hi! Welcome back to my blog.

Today I am going write about one of my best holidays. I remember its was on 2015, I was 15 years old, and I went to visit my grandmother in Arica for Christmas and new year. I went with my brother Pedro; he was 15 years old. We went just for 2 weeks (from December 20, 2015 to January 3, 2016). We didn’t  any interesting activity on those holidays, we just went to the beach and spend time in my grandmother’s house helping her with everything.

At today that was our lasts travel to Arica, so currently I don’t see my grandmother in the last 6 years. For the next 4 summer vacations me and my brother work together( with the permission of my parents) in a bookstore to save money for our studies after finishing high school.

I thinks this holiday was the most important for me because I think on those vacations, I improved my sibling relationship and it left me good memories of my grandmother.

I hope this year to be able to travel to visit her.

Thanks for reading!

See you on next post.


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