My Favorite Piece of Technology


Technology is very important for me. Technology changes my world. When I was a child, maybe at 7 years old, my grandfather had a very old computer (have you ever seen that photo in which is Shakira is sit in front of a very old and big computer? Okay that the type of “machine” my grandfather had) and he has a game of human body. On that time, I don’t understand English so I never understand how to play it, but this game inspired me to study science.

When I was 9 years old my dad bought his first laptop. In that time the laptops were bigger than now, heavier and they had less functions comparing with the current laptop. In that moment, my dad´s laptop was my favorite piece of technology, because I could play “Purble Place” on it. Later when I was on first senior at school my parents bought me a smartphone, so this phone turns in my favorite piece of technology. I really like my phone because I fell with this can I be connected people and communicate with my family and friends. Most of time I use my phone to procrastinate in social medias, looking memes on Instagram or watch funnies videos al tik tok. That is something I need to change because use my phone for long time on that make me jazzy. ( I don’t recommend use social medias and phones to kids younger than 14 years without the permission of his parents). I also use my phone to study or to look for an information on Google like news, address, or definitions when I have no idea about the meaning of some word. I recommended for that.


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