Lentils are live, Lentils are love, they are the best of the world.


Who tell you that I LOVE Lentils ?! 

I am not sure if I have a favorite meal, because they are many plates that I like but if you are asking me what food I could eat for a entire month, every day without stop loving eat that, I could say that plate will be red lentils with white rice. 

I love how my mom cook red lentils, but she prepares lentils with meat and I don’t eat meat anymore (two months ago I decide to be vegetarian, and, in a future, I am going to be vegan), so now I have to prepare it by myself. I cook lentils with a lot of vegetables, I like to fry some onions in a pot with olive oil, paprika, pumpkin, scallion ( I really like scallion with any meal), mushroom, and carrot.

 Then I like to use cumin, salt, garlic, curry and pepper to give more flavor to lentils. When all the ingredients are mixes and fried, I put the red lentils into the pot, and I add water and I leave them boil for 15 minutes and finally the red lentils are ready to eat. In another pot I prepare rice just with salt and pepper, the I add water and wait 15 minutes until the rice consume all the water. That’s all !!!! So easy to cook!!!!.

I really like this meal because lentils have a lot of nutritional properties. Lentils are a very good for health.

I invite you to eat pulses, my favorites are lentils, but they are many good recipes to prepare beans and chickpeas, so What are you waiting for to eat a delicious pulses like me?!


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