Practice Exercise


(Yes, I made this image by myself)

As you can see on this image that is my reaccion when someone asking me something in English.

You would asking you, why she feels petrified?

The answer is: 

I don't like like English, I don't understand too much of English, my vocabulary is poor and my grammar is bad. So all of that makes me feel terrified when I dont'n know how to reply in english.

Maybe for other people that knows me, that fact means for them as an joke because my parentes spend all his money in a school with good levels of english. Much of my school classmates speak well English but I thinkg I am the exeption.

( I think I had been trying to "learn" English for 12 years, but I don't think that be enough time 😓)

Maybe the reason why I dont' like English would be I never practice with none, my parents dont'n speak English and I allways was a shy child so I don't had friends to practice and feel confident when I had to speak in english.

One of the things that I think it is hard or diffucult of English to me is definitely : speak. I have a bad pronunciation and most of the times when I try to speak in English I can´t find the word that I want to say or I don't know how to order the information to say it.

In other way I could say that maybe is more easy for me try to writte in English, I don't have a good grammar but I like try to make me explain or order my ideas writing and then try to speak to let me understand. I allways think in spanish and I try to translate that information in English.

P.D: I try to not use a translater to do this, because I think I can make me understand. If not, I give you my apologyzes. 


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